Saturday, December 31, 2011


  Hello dahlings! Hope you all are out enjoying yourselves, partying like the world is about to end. I,on the other hand am sitting at home in front of my computer drinking champagne out of a red plastic cup. Hmmmm Not so glamorous. I just recently finished reading Skinny Bitch and highly recommend it. I have definitely let my weight get the best of me these past few years !ugh! and REALLY need to get my shit together. I don't want to say it's a resolution or even a diet plan but just a change in my overall being. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Unfortunately I've been doing just that for quite some time.
Yeah bitches, this is really what I have in my little red cup.

I'm listing my goals for the New Year and thought I'd share them with you. What are yours? Do they differ radically from mine or are we all just the same? xoxox

#1  Stop being so fucking anti social.
I have a bad habit of imagining all the fabulous things I want to do and never doing them. 

#2  Do not dwell on the past.
I get so caught up in the good things that have happened that I forget about the good things waiting to happen.

#3 Have more sex.
Anti depressants killed my sex drive. I'm ready to resurrect it.

#4 Believe in my own sexiness.
It's there, I just can't remember where I left it. Must invest in stripper pole.....

#5 Trust.
Sooooo hard.

#6 Cook at home.
I know people do this....

#7 Eat less meat.
Goodbye bacon.

#8 Eat more veggies.
Hello broccoli.

#9 Work harder.
Most people don't think ebay is a "real" job but it is. I want my shop to be awesome.

#10 Sleep less.
The more I sleep the less life I have to live.

 Of course these aren't it but the champers is kicking in so now I must go. See you next year...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

  It seems everything has zoomed by me this Holiday season! I hope that everyone is ready for the New Year because I can't wait. I don't know if anyone actually reads this thing but I'm going to be more 'me' on here and work on bringing you even better finds if you happen to shop from me. I'll also be adding some weight loss tidbits cause I know I gotta get my ass in gear! Hope your New Years is fun filled ! REMEMBER: Don't drink and drive!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Muse: Renee Perle

One of my favorites!

Can you believe this was taken in the 1930s?! It looks so now...

Renee Perle, a Romanian Jewish girl became the first muse of famous French photographer Jacques Henri Lartigue after moving to Paris. These photos were taken in the 1930s and are as relevant today as they were then.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

No. 5

 Oops..I'm a day late on this one! Yesterday was my 5th wedding anniversary! Yea!  we haven't killed each other yet! I was revisiting my wedding photos and thought I might let you have a peek as these are almost all I have left....Yes indeed, my dumbass lost my memory card with ALL my wedding photos and numerous other ones. Over 500 to be exact :*(  Anyway here we are, hopped up on wedded bliss......xoxox

I catch hell for it all the time but my ring has had a few upgrades,,hehe. My hubby broke his and we STILL haven't replaced it.

Supposed to be a pic of my fab hair'do but look at my hubby's face. PRICELESS!

Oh the perks of living in Florida.....tan legs year round

tattoo shot

Not too shabby xoxox
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