Friday, July 1, 2011

The Ugly Truth

I have been putting off this particular post for awhile and I figured I should just get on with it......

  I took the plunge today and found a fabulous hair stylist who performed magic on my simple little bob today. I left the salon THRILLED with my new chic do and wanted to shout from the rooftops the glory that is Tim! But on the ride home something happened. An oh so familiar feeling crept in and by the time I reached home I was no longer in such a joyous mood. The hair is still fabulous but it is me that is not so. The more I smiled at my new hair in the mirror the more I noticed the not so white teeth, the larger than life nose and chubby cheeks. I have never been completely thrilled with my looks but over the past few years it has gotten considerably worse.
  I have struggled with depression for most of my life now and with maintenance (meds / therapy) I keep it check. Unfortunately upon moving to Texas a few years back I fell into a deep depression and needed something a little stronger (Seroquel). Sadly my size 6 figure that I'd worked so hard at achieving suffered as one of the side effects is weight gain. I ballooned to 199 lbs and an uncomfortable size 16 / 18 . At only 5'4 it was not my best look.Well here it is 2 years later and I'm past all that. I've  managed to start a successful ebay store and am trying my hand at blogging but am still no where near what I was which is why I NEVER post pictures of my daily outfits or even my face. After my haircut today I decided enough was enough. I am who I am and all I can do is move forward towards a healthier me. I don't believe that everyone should weigh the same or try to make your body do something that is unnatural for it but when you're only 28 (like me) and can't keep up with say, walking around the mall, somethings has to give. I promised myself to make an effort to loss the weight and I'll be posting about it so hopefully in 6 months to a year I can look back at where I started. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Without further ado, the do.

hmm..brings to mind a deer caught in headlights!

note to new light fixture

Next up... learning to take self portrait without looking odd.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, no matter your weight or haircut, you always have been and always will be a beautiful young lady!


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